Monday, May 19, 2008


We've both been fools
Where the other is concerned.

You want me to be still
While I yearn to spread my wings
And fly to paths

I want you
To express things
In black and white
But you would rather have them
In gray...

Makes you feel safer
I guess.

We are
Two very similar individuals
Both single-minded
And independent
Used to getting his
And her own ways
Unattainable, even.

Never did define
Either one of us
And even for what "could be"
We refuse to let down
Our guards.

You twist words
To best suit you
You make and break
And bend the rules
To your advantage
And I do the same
Quite as cunningly.

What good does it do then
To engage
In a battle of wits
And more so, of wills
With you?

Where is the sense
In all these
When we both know
That each wants the upper hand
And will not consider

Not even

Where have you led me
All these times
But to the utmost distraction
Of my mind?

But my will
Will never be broken.

This is not
A concession
Of my defeat
But rather, of my ending
This senseless journey
For I have grown
Of waiting.

Now I spread
The wings you clipped
And start flying.

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