Friday, March 13, 2009

heart talk

be still
be strong
never for once
doubt your resilience
never mind that
you've been fooled not once
but thrice
or have loved and lost
a couple of times
gather strength
from your memory
of picking up
your broken pieces
and enduring
the pain of having
each broken shard,
each jagged edge
and becoming stronger
because of them
how you painstakingly
put together each piece
while learning to let go
look back on the time
when in the brink
of a breakdown,
you rallied admirably
and moved on
with rare grace...
never fear
to love again
or hold back
just because
love stung you
just stay strong
and continue loving
till it hurts
no more.


Story of a Girl said...

i really liked it. i think we can all relate to the things you've mentioned. VERY, very nicely written :)

milai said...

thank you. :)