Inside each one of us is a very special place
A place hidden from others and the place we go to
When we want to be alone and just be ourselves
Inside of me is my own private realm
The place where my past, present and future intersect
This is a place where secrets have no place
Here all about me is known - my vulnerabilities,
My dreams, my innermost fears, my untold yearnings,
My joys, my pains, my thoughts, my hopes...
And everything and everyone I cherish most
This is my place of questions and answers
My shelter of reasons and uncertainties
This is my sanctuary, the place where I weave
The tapestries of events in my life
To create a story all uniquely my own
This is a place where I and only I
Know of and can enter for only I hold the key
But through God’s design, someone comes along
To get past my barriers and to see the very special place
That no one had ever even glimpsed of before
With understanding and love, this person sees
All in my realm and much, much more
Amidst the pains, she sees the growing person within
And amidst the river of tears shed, she sees
An ocean freely flowing to meet the horizon with smiles
With great faith, she believes in what I can and will be
And since her coming, she has been gradually
Bringing into the open the bits and pieces
Of the self that I used to hide
With her, I have come to know and love my whole being
It feels good to be me but it feels even better and freeing
To know that I am accepted and loved as I am
By this person who is continuously adding new dimensions
To my sanctuary and has settled her self familiarly down
Her special corner in my realm where she will stay forever
And since here stay there, the very special place expanded
To include not only this person but other people as well...
That very special place is my heart,
A sheltered heart no longer but a universal one
Thanks to this person who is YOU - you who made me
See things in a different light and you who saw all of me
But had chosen to stay right here with me all these times
In spite of the bruised and flawed heart you saw
My heart has been changing since you came into my life
And so I thank you now, my dearest, special friend
For loving me as I am
And I give you an even greater thanks
For you are loving me in spite of my self
And at the same time motivating me
To rise above my limitations
By being an inspiration and a model to me...
Thank God for the gift of and God bless your good heart.
for my best friend