Wednesday, October 1, 2008

your words

a game of words
played eloquently…
words of utmost caring
professed lovingly.

but did you really mean them?

you knew what made me tick.
prose. poems.
anything literary…
so you dished them out
lavishly and creatively.

words have always been
my strength.
i thrive on them.
breathe them…

but words are my weakness too…

that when you armed yourself with them,
i was helpless.

and so i succumbed
to the power of your words.

to you.

your words
elevated me
to the most blissful of joys,
they touchingly spell out
your love.

but words could turn sour
and yours did
the moment you hurled
words of accusations and excuses at me.

your words hurt.

you tried to make amends
by again arming yourself
with sweet,
maybe even carefully rehearsed

but i grew deaf to them.

so i said the only word
that could save me
from you.


in your coming’s wake
are words strewn here and there
the words that used to inspire me,
the words i thrived on and breathed
are now just mere words
spoken but unmeant.

such hurtful words.

i now regret
savoring your words
for now i am left
only with
a bitter aftertaste of them
in my mouth.


mariposa said...

Wow, I like the "Your Words" poem - I like how it expresses words' power. Also, thanks for the comment. What you said made sense - some things we should accept. I guess the hardest part then is knowing what to accept and what to fight for.

milai said...

I sometimes wonder what draws the line between these two.

At times I find it difficult to accept things as they are just because they are contrary to what I want them to be... Sometimes I wonder if I am fighting the right battles... or if it will all be worth it because I have been criticized for doing something different, for standing up for what I believe...

Oh well. Life's just like that sometimes.