Thursday, September 25, 2008


i thought it is witches
who cast spells

what have you done to me then?

you got me
with your looks...

but you snared my heart
with your attitude.

what's on your mind?

tell me.

are you reading my mind now?

thoughts of you...
pieces of you...
all commune with the part of me
that's confused.

validate my existence
will you please?

make me believe again
in something good...

never mind
that it involves
the deep, dark side
of human nature.

break not this spell
i'm in.

the uncertainty in me.

just break


my heart.


mariposa said...

Wow, you have a really cool blog - I love it. By the way, thanks so much for the comment - it meant a lot. And everything you said was so true. I'm glad you're following yourself & making your own decisions. It can take courage sometimes, no? :)

milai said...

Hi mariposa.

Thanks for dropping by. Yes, it does take courage. Lots and lots of courage, if I may say so. :)