Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Teach Me, Jesus

Teach me, Jesus
To love as you have loved
And to love still even when it hurts
To obey the Father as you have obeyed Him
And to obey Him still even when
My own will clashes against His
To give generously and to give more
Even when I barely have enough for myself
And to give still even when I have nothing
To be trusting and faithful to the Father
And to be more so when trials arise
To gladly embrace the cross and share in your sufferings
And to offer to others the same consolation
That you have been offering me all these times
To be more like you
And less like my proud, fickle self...

My Lord and my God, I surrender.

1 comment:

J said...

I like this. It is a very humbling thing to say, "I don't have it all figured out but I do know this, I need to be more like you." That was awesome, great job!